How to Pitch your Product to your Customers through the Website ?
Targeting and converting your customers optimally
Why positioning is important:
Positioning is the act of deliberately defining how you are the best at something that a defined market cares a lot about.
If we fail in positioning, we fail at marketing and sales, the entire business line fails.
Positioning is "context setting" for products. Its about little clues that we piece together from our current understanding of the environment to understand the new product.
Startups have used positioning to transform from an irrelevant product to a must have product. Tech founders have this problem where they are too close to their product that they aren't able to see the product from the eyes of their customers.
For a product to be successful, customer must be able to understand the product, why it is special and ascertain the value proposition of the product. This is where positioning comes into play.
Weak positioning leaves a trail:
New customers can't figure out what the product is about.
Long sales cycles and low close rates
High customer churn immediately after onboarding or purchase.
Customer's constantly complain that the prices are too high.
Following are the steps in crafting a compelling message:
What do you do ?
Example: “I do copy writing.”
Another example would be Vevesta - Find features, techniques and projects used by your peers in their Machine learning projects.
Why does it matter ?
Example: “I make landing pages that convert better”.
This is the most important step, as customers need to understand why they need to use your product.
Another example would be : Vevesta - Accelerate development of your Machine learning project by using features, techniques and projects used by your peers.
Make it attractive
Example: “I make landing pages that are so good that your phone will not stop ringing.”
Most people jump to this step and develop a marketing message that doesn’t mean anything. An example of marketing message that didn’t make sense was Vevesta - Your collective brain. This is description we developed and later realised people coming to the website didn’t understand the product itself.
So we revisited our product description and crafted the following message:
Feature and Technique Dictionary - Accelerate your Machine learning project by using features, techniques and projects used by your peers.
Book - Obviously Awesome by April Dunford